Food & Nutrition Coaching

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Thrifty Nutrition: 5 Tips to Save Money on Food Shopping During Tough Times




In these challenging times, every penny counts, especially when it comes to food shopping. The rising cost of living has many of us feeling the pinch, and the weekly food shop can seem like a daunting expense. But here’s the good news: tightening the purse strings doesn’t mean you have to compromise on eating healthily.



Eating well on a budget is more than possible with a bit of savvy planning and some smart shopping strategies. It’s about making your money go further, getting the best value for your pound, and still enjoying meals that are nutritious and delicious.


In this post, we’ll share five practical tips to help you save money on your food shopping. We’ll explore how to shop seasonally, the benefits of eating less meat, the potential savings of growing your own, how to reduce food waste, and the importance of using a shopping list.


Remember, it’s not about making drastic changes overnight. Instead, it’s about making small, sustainable adjustments that can add up to big savings over time. So, whether you’re feeding a family or shopping for one, read on for some helpful tips to make your food budget stretch further.

Tip 1 – Shop Seasonally 


One of the simplest ways to save money on your food shopping is to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. Seasonal produce is often cheaper, fresher, and tastier. It’s a win-win situation – you get to enjoy better-quality food while saving money.


Why is seasonal produce cheaper? It’s all about supply and demand. When a fruit or vegetable is in season, there’s usually an abundance of it, which can drive down prices. Plus, seasonal produce doesn’t have to travel as far to reach your supermarket, which can also reduce costs.


Shopping seasonally also has the added benefit of variety. You’ll find yourself trying different fruits and vegetables throughout the year, which can make your meals more interesting and diverse.


Not sure what’s in season? There are plenty of online resources and apps that can help such as The National Trust’s ‘Guide to Seasonal Food’, mobile apps such as ‘Eat Seasonal’ or you can ask your local greengrocer.


Remember, every little saving adds up. So next time you’re doing your food shopping, why not reach for the seasonal produce?


Tip 2 – Eat Less Meat


Incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet is not only good for your health and the environment, but it can also be kinder to your wallet. Meat, particularly red and processed meat, can be one of the most expensive items on your shopping list. By reducing your meat consumption, you could see significant savings.


Here are a few ways to eat less meat without sacrificing taste or nutrition:


  • Try Meat-Free Days: Designate one or more days a week as meat-free days. This can be a fun way to explore new recipes and cuisines.
  • Use Meat as a Side, Not the Main Event: Instead of making meat the star of your meal, use it in smaller amounts to add flavour to dishes packed with vegetables, grains, and legumes.
  • Explore Plant-Based Proteins: Foods like lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, and tempeh are not only cheaper than meat but also high in protein and fibre.
  • Own-ranges: Many stores now have their own ranges of plant based meat replacement foods that are often on par with the corresponding meat prices.. 


Remember, eating less meat doesn’t mean you have to give it up entirely. It’s about finding a balance that works for you, your health, and your budget.


Tip 3 – Grow Your Own


Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to supplement your food shopping. Not only does it save money, but homegrown produce often tastes better and is more nutritious because it’s harvested at peak ripeness.


Here are a few tips to get started:


  • Start Small: If you’re new to gardening, start with a few easy-to-grow plants like lettuce, radishes, or herbs. As you gain confidence, you can expand your garden.
  • Use Containers: If you don’t have a lot of space, many vegetables and herbs do well in containers. Plus, containers can be moved to take advantage of sunlight.
  • Compost: Composting kitchen scraps like fruit and vegetable peels can provide nutrient-rich soil for your plants, reducing the need for expensive fertilisers.

Remember, gardening is a learning process. Don’t be discouraged if everything doesn’t go perfectly the first time. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labour and save money in the process.


To get started a great source of gardening information is the Royal Horticultural Society’s ‘Grow Your Own’ webpage, you can get growing whether in pots or in your own garden.


Tip 4 – Reduce Food Waste


Reducing food waste is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet. In the UK, households throw away 6.6 million tonnes of food waste every year, much of which could have been eaten. That’s a lot of wasted food and wasted money.


Here are a few strategies to help reduce food waste:


Plan Your Meals: As we mentioned earlier, planning your meals can help you buy only what you need, reducing waste.


  • Understand ‘Use By’ and ‘Best Before’ Dates: ‘Use by’ dates are about safety, while ‘best before’ dates are about quality. Food can often be eaten after its ‘best before’ date, though it may not be at its best.
  • Use Your Freezer: If you have leftovers or food that’s about to go bad, consider freezing it for later use.
  • Get Creative with Leftovers: Leftovers can be turned into new meals with a bit of creativity. For example, leftover vegetables can be used in stir-fries, soups, or stews.


Remember, every bit of food you save from the bin is money saved. Plus, it’s a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.


Tip 5 – Use a Shopping List 


Using a shopping list is a simple and effective way to save money on your food shopping. It can help you stay focused, avoid impulse buys, and ensure you only buy what you need.


Here’s how to make the most of your shopping list:


  • Plan Your Meals: Before you make your list, plan your meals for the week. This will help you figure out exactly what you need to buy.
  • Stick to Your List: Supermarkets are designed to tempt you into buying more. Stick to your list to resist these temptations.
  • Organise Your List: Organise your list according to the layout of your supermarket. This can save you time and reduce the chance of forgetting something.
  • Don’t Forget Household Items: Remember to include non-food items on your list, like toiletries and cleaning supplies.


Remember, a shopping list is a tool. The key is to use it consistently and to stick to it. It might take a bit of discipline, but your wallet will thank you. It also gives you the opportunity to spend a bit of time and compare which shop will be the cheapest, you can check on websites such as




Navigating the rising cost of living can be challenging, but with a bit of planning and some smart strategies, you can make your food budget stretch further. Remember, every little bit helps. Whether it’s shopping seasonally, eating less meat, growing your own, reducing food waste, or using a shopping list, each small change can add up to big savings.


At Bite Boost, we understand that nutrition is personal and that everyone’s needs and circumstances are different. Our monthly Nutrition Subscription package is designed to provide guidance and support to help you make the most of your food budget while boosting your nutrition knowledge to help ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need.


Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. We’re here to help you navigate the path to healthier eating, one bite at a time.




About Lee

Professional Food Coach

I’m Lee, a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc (Hons) in Sports Science from LJMU and an MSc in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen. At BiteBoost, I provide personalised nutrition plans tailored to your goals. With a focus on evidence-based advice, I empower you to make informed decisions about your diet. Let’s work together to achieve optimal well-being through the power of nutrition.

My Approach

At BiteBoost, our approach to nutrition coaching is grounded in evidence-based and science-backed principles. Our goal is to help you achieve your nutritional goals while maintaining a realistic and sustainable approach. We’ll work together to develop a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle, preferences, and unique needs. Let’s make healthy eating enjoyable and achievable!

My Process

We prioritise honest results that are realistic and sustainable. Our approach follows the SMART method for setting goals, ensuring they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. We tailor our nutrition coaching to fit your unique needs, making healthy eating achievable and enjoyable. Let’s work together to reach your nutritional goals and improve your overall well-being.

Unique Framework

At Biteboost we provide a unique approach by combining our extensive expertise in nutrition with a holistic understanding of individual needs, creating personalised and comprehensive plans to support overall health and wellness.

Coming Soon


Comprehensive Guide to Superfoods

Superfood Salad Recipes

Tips and Techniques for Salad Preparation

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

What is nutrition coaching?

Nutrition coaching is a personalised approach to improving your nutrition and overall health. Our registered associate nutritionist uses the latest scientific evidence to develop a customised plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. We also use coaching methodologies to provide you with ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.

How does nutrition coaching work?

Our nutrition coaching programmes start with a comprehensive assessment of your current health and dietary habits. Based on this assessment, we’ll work with you to develop a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences. We’ll also provide ongoing support and guidance through coaching sessions, check-ins, and other tools to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

How is nutrition coaching different from seeing a nutritionist?

While both nutrition coaching and seeing a nutritionist involve working with a registered dietitian, nutrition coaching is a more personalised approach that focuses on ongoing support and guidance. Our coaching programmes involve developing a customised plan tailored to your unique needs and providing ongoing support to help you achieve your goals.

How do I know if nutrition coaching is right for me?

If you’re looking to improve your nutrition and overall health but are struggling to do so on your own, nutrition coaching may be right for you. Our programmes are designed to provide personalised guidance and support to help you reach your goals, no matter where you are on your health journey.

How long does a typical nutrition coaching programme last?

The length of our nutrition coaching programmes varies depending on your individual needs and goals. Our programmes are designed to be flexible and personalised, so we’ll work with you to determine the length of the program that’s right for you.

What kind of support can I expect to receive during a nutrition coaching programme?

Our nutrition coaching programmes provide ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve your goals. This includes coaching sessions, check-ins, and other tools to help you stay on track and motivated. We also use the latest scientific evidence to provide you with evidence-based guidance and recommendations tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Get Coaching!

Ready to embark on a transformative health journey tailored just for you? Take the first step today by completing our contact form. Lee Stanley is eager to learn more about your unique needs and goals, and to start crafting a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan to help you realise your full health potential. Don’t wait for tomorrow, seize control of your health today!