Lee Stanley 

Meet Our Registered Associate Nutritionist


Position – Founder, Director of Biteboost & Professional Food Coach


About Lee

I’m Lee, a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc (Hons) in Sports Science from LJMU and an MSc in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen. At BiteBoost, I provide personalised nutrition plans tailored to your goals. With a focus on evidence-based advice, I empower you to make informed decisions about your diet. Let’s work together to achieve optimal well-being through the power of nutrition.

Job Description

At BiteBoost, I provide personalised nutrition plans tailored to your goals. With a focus on evidence-based advice, I empower you to make informed decisions about your diet. Let’s work together to achieve optimal well-being through the power of nutrition.

My Approach to Nutrition

Nutrition coaching is a personalised approach to improving your nutrition and overall health. Our registered associate nutritionist uses the latest scientific evidence to develop a customised plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. We also use coaching methodologies to provide you with ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.


My Education and Credentials

I am a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc (Hons) in Sports Science from LJMU and an MSc in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen.


My Process

My nutrition coaching programmes start with a comprehensive assessment of your current health and dietary habits. Based on this assessment, we’ll work with you to develop a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences.  I also provide ongoing support and guidance through coaching sessions, check-ins, and other tools to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.


Unique Framework

While both nutrition coaching and seeing a nutritionist involve working with a registered dietitian, nutrition coaching is a more personalised approach that focuses on ongoing support and guidance. Our coaching programmes involve developing a customised plan tailored to your unique needs and providing ongoing support to help you achieve your goals.


Nutrition coaching is a personalised approach to improving your nutrition and overall health. As a registered associate nutritionist I use the latest scientific evidence to develop a customised plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. I also use coaching methodologies to provide you with ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.

Nutrition Consultancy Services

£40 – 30min  £70 – 60min

30 and 60 minute 1-2-1 consultations where you can refer to our Registered Associate Nutritionist regarding any nutrition queries.

8 Week Bespoke Nutrition Plan



  • Cronometer Pro food diary and diet tracker
  • Bespoke and personalised 8 week nutrition plan fitting around your specific dietary needs and goals
  • Weekly 30 min 1-2-1 consultations to check-in and make changes if needed
  • Weekly grocery list
  • Nutritionist available to contact for support
  • Access to the Biteboost Recipe Library – a regularly updating source of nutritious meals and how to cook them
  • Access to our Members Discord group to have a community behind you

Webinars, Guest Speaking, Lectures & More

On Request

Supercharge your nutrition knowledge with BiteBoost’s exclusive lectures, webinars, and presentations! Unleash your potential for a healthier lifestyle and join our community of nutrition enthusiasts today. Click here to elevate your nutrition game with BiteBoost!


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By joining the Biteboost community, you’ll gain access to a wealth of resources designed to help you succeed as a nutritionist. From cutting-edge research to powerful tools that streamline your workflow, Biteboost has everything you need to take your career to the next level.

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