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How to Build a Nutrient-Rich, Balanced Plate: A Guide Inspired by the Livewell and EatWell Guidelines
Eating well is a cornerstone of good health. However, figuring out how to create a nutrient-rich, balanced plate can be a daunting task. There’s a lot being thrown at us online and in the media causing understandable confusion and frustration. Fortunately, guidelines and reports such as WWF’s Livewell diet and the UK Government’s EatWell Guide provide scientifically-backed, easy-to-understand recommendations for a sustainable and healthy diet. This article explores these guidelines and offers practical tips on building a well-rounded meal.
As always your diet and nutrition is a personal thing, what may work for some may not work for others, these are just overall guidelines you could take pointers from and help shape your own eating behaviours to be healthier and more sustainable.
Understanding the Livewell Diet Principles
The World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) ‘Livewell’ diet was developed to promote a diet that is not only healthy but also environmentally sustainable. Their ‘Eating for Net Zero’ report states that;
“The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world. Our current food system is driving nature loss, polluting waterways and depleting soils at home and overseas. Paradoxically, in our efforts to feed ourselves we are destroying the very systems that food production depends on – a stable climate, rich soils, clean rivers and intact terrestrial and marine ecosystems.” – WWF’s ‘Eating for Net Zero’ Report
With world governments endeavouring to reach the Paris Agreement’s goal to keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the Livewell diet is a positive step in that direction. The ‘Livewell’ diet takes this on by promoting a diet that is not only kinder to the environment, both here at home as well as in other countries we source our food from, but is also backed by modern research showing the health benefits of the diet’s approach.
How can we use the principles discussed in this report to make healthier and more sustainable food choices?
Breakdown of LiveWell Principles:
Increased Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
The diet recommends a 45% increase in fruit and vegetable consumption. However, it suggests a 49% reduction in fruit juices and smoothies due to their sugar content.
Increased Pulses
The diet suggests a 50% increase in the consumption of pulses such as beans and lentils.
Reduced Animal Protein
The diet significantly reduces the consumption of all land-based meat types with 69% less meat, 25% less dairy, and 32% less eggs.
Increased Seafood
The diet suggests an 83% increase in seafood consumption to align with health recommendations. This must be met by lower-footprint, sustainably sourced seafood to avoid further exacerbating pressure on fish stocks and marine habitats.
Increased Wholegrain Cereals
The diet recommends a 35% increase in the consumption of whole grain cereals, replacing white, refined varieties of bread, rice, and pasta.
Reduced Foods High in Fat, Salt, and Sugar (HFSS)
The diet suggests reducing the consumption of products high in fat, salt, and sugar such as savoury snacks, desserts, and sugary drinks.
Unpacking the EatWell Guide
The ‘EatWell Guide’, brought to you by the UK Government, offers a host of scientifically-grounded, easy-to-navigate recommendations for a balanced and healthy diet. This guide might just be your new best friend in unravelling the web of nutritional advice.
Remember, nutrition is an individual journey, and these guidelines can serve as navigational pointers, helping you shape your personal eating habits into healthier and more balanced ones.
What’s in Your Bowl: Recommendations from the ‘EatWell Guide’
Fruits and Vegetables
The EatWell Guide advises us to fill our plates with at least five portions of varied fruits and vegetables each day. They suggest that a portion equates to any of the following: a medium-sized fruit like an apple or orange, three heaped tablespoons of vegetables, a bowl of salad, 30g of dried fruit (ideally consumed at meal times), or a 150ml glass of fruit juice or smoothie (counting as a maximum of one portion per day).
Starchy Carbohydrates
Building meals around starchy carbs like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and others forms the cornerstone of the EatWell Guide’s recommendations. It emphasises selecting whole grain versions whenever possible.
Dairy or Dairy Alternatives
Incorporating some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks) in your diet is encouraged, with a preference for lower fat and lower sugar options.
A variety of protein sources, such as beans, pulses, fish, eggs, and meat, form an integral part of the EatWell Guide’s advice. They highlight the goal of including two portions of fish per week, with one of these being oily.
Oils and Spreads
In the world of oils and spreads, the EatWell Guide promotes choosing unsaturated versions and consuming them sparingly.
Keeping hydrated with 6-8 cups or glasses of fluid a day is one of the pillars of the EatWell Guide.
Foods High in Fat, Salt, or Sugar (HFSS)
The guide doesn’t banish foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar, but recommends they be consumed less frequently and in smaller amounts.
The guide is a great resource, accompanying you not just in deciding what to eat but also when cooking at home, grocery shopping, eating out, and even choosing food on the go.
It’s important to note that while most people can get all the necessary nutrients from a balanced diet, some might need specific supplements. For instance, during the darker months of autumn and winter, a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D can be beneficial. Furthermore, for those who receive little to no sun exposure, a vitamin D supplement is advisable all year round. We have a brief blog post discussing vitamin D here.
This is just another example of how the guide seeks to help us maintain our nutritional balance, regardless of our individual circumstances.
Building a Nutrient-Rich, Balanced Plate
With the Livewell principles, the EatWell Guide and also the current cost of living crisis in mind, let’s discuss how to build a nutrient-rich, balanced plate using affordable and readily available foods.
Fruits and Vegetables
Variety of fruit and veg is important, getting our 5 a day and increasing our plant based food intake. A few tips for increasing your fruit and vegetable intake whilst keeping within a budget include:
Buying frozen vegetables, options such as broccoli, kale, spinach, bell peppers, peas, cauliflower, carrots etc. can be bought from the frozen aisle. They’ll keep for longer, reducing your food waste and increasing your intake of fibre. This also can be done with various fruits, you can buy frozen fruits, such as blueberries and raspberries for instance, and they can easily be added to porridge or overnight oats, or even left in the fridge overnight to defrost..
When selecting your fruits and vegetables for the day try to get as many different colours on your plate as possible to easily add variety.
Try to avoid drinking too much fruit juice as it can contain lots of sugar.
Serving sizes for vegetables are typically 80g-100g for an adult, for instance 80g of cooked spinach from frozen will only contain around 27 kcal but 3g of fibre. If you try to have 3-5 different servings of vegetables (doesn’t have to be 80g each, 400g of veg can be pretty hard to eat) on your plate you can greatly increase your fibre intake with relatively low calories. It will also help to keep you satiated, keeping you fuller for longer.
Starchy carbohydrates:
Select whole grains whenever possible, they have positive effects that help in reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type II diabetes. They’re also a great source of fibre, a small amount of additional proteins as well as typically slow releasing carbohydrates for all day energy.
Your typical portion size for an adult for most whole grains is around 70g pre-cooked weight but will vary based on your nutrition goals, gender and bodyweight.
Plant-based vs. animal-based proteins
We’re going to have a longer blog post going into this subject in more detail soon so keep your eyes out but I’ll briefly discuss it here.
Moderating your meat intake is a great way to make your diet more sustainable. By limiting your beef intake you can reduce the impact of emissions of cattle farming, as well as the local environmental impacts such as river pollution from runoff. You could instead opt for oily fish such as salmon or mackerel to boost your omega fatty acid intake as well as maintain your protein intake. Tofu is also a great meat alternative option rich in protein.
Although there are plenty of plant based meat alternatives available now the cost is often significantly more than their meat counterparts. It may be easier and cheaper to simply reduce the amount of meat you put in your meals, and bulk up the protein by including more vegetables and whole grains on your plate.
Another issue with meat alternatives is the ultra-processed nature of the products, and both the Livewell diet and EatWell guide tries to promote an increase in the consumption of whole foods.
Dairy or dairy alternatives
Try to have some cheese or yoghurt in your diet. They’re a great source of protein and many yoghurts contain natural probiotics for improved gut health. Try to go for lower fat and lower sugar options where available. Low fat Greek yoghurt is a great option as the fat content is minimal and it contains a mixture of live cultures, high protein with no added sugar. Try semi-skimmed milk as it will have significantly less fat whilst maintaining the texture of whole milk. You can also find reduced fat cheeses readily available in most super markets.
The high protein content of milk can be hard to replace and without fortification, milk alternatives can also have a significantly reduced nutrient profile of vitamins and minerals such as calcium. One alternative to reduce your dairy intake is to switch to soya drink (EU regulations say it’s not milk if it’s not from a mammary gland), which contains a similar protein content to cow’s milk.
However the environmental impact of soya drink, as well as the price can be a difficult trade off to make. If you are trying to switch from dairy or have a lactose intolerance, try the different plant based dairy alternatives. Finding one with the right consistency and taste as well as nutrient profile is quite a personal endeavour, for instance I struggle with the taste of soya drink but quite like using almond milk in my coffee.
Importance of calcium
Plant-based dairy alternatives are typically fortified with calcium, it’s important for bone health so making sure you’re meeting your Dietary Reference Values of 700 mg/day (adult males and females) is important.
Fats and oils
Understanding ‘good’ vs. ‘bad’ fats
Fats are necessary for a variety of functions within the body and are required to maintain health. The main goal of the EatWell Guide when it comes to fat is to reduce saturated fat intake. Try to avoid foods containing high amounts of saturated fat.
Switching to mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) rich oils such as olive oil and rapeseed oil will help to reduce cholesterol. Remember fats are energy dense, containing 9 kcal to every gram so keeping an eye on your fat intake is an easy way to avoid weight gain.
Trying to switch to lower fat spreads opposed to butter will also help to reduce your saturated fat intake.
Incorporating the Principles into Daily Life
Adopting the LiveWell principles and the EatWell Guide recommendations is not just about individual meals, but about adjusting your overall lifestyle:
Plan your meals in advance, use apps such as Cronometer or MyFitnessPal to track your daily intake and monitor where you can make improvements to meet your nutrition goals whilst maintaining a healthy and sustainable diet. .
By planning your meals in advance you can find recipes and cuisines you can enjoy whilst keeping to these principles.
Cooking and preparing meals can be time consuming, by knowing exactly what you’re making and the ingredients you’ll need in advance you can spend less prep time and still eat fantastic home cooked meals.
A big takeaway is that if you’re mindful of the health and sustainability benefits of what you’re buying, preparing, cooking and eating, you’ll have a much healthier relationship with food as well as a sense of satisfaction that you’re doing your part for you, your families health and the environment as a whole.
Building a nutrient-rich, balanced plate is a significant step towards healthier eating. By following the WWF’s Livewell diet’s principles and the EatWell Guide, you can create meals that are not only delicious and nutritious, but also environmentally sustainable.
Remember, these guidelines are just that – guides. It’s important to tailor your diet to your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. And while change may take time, even small steps towards healthier eating can make a big difference. So why not start with your next meal?
Additional Information
Unlocking the sunshine vitamin: the vital importance of vitamin D for your health
About Lee
Professional Food Coach
I’m Lee, a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) with a BSc (Hons) in Sports Science from LJMU and an MSc in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Aberdeen. At BiteBoost, I provide personalised nutrition plans tailored to your goals. With a focus on evidence-based advice, I empower you to make informed decisions about your diet. Let’s work together to achieve optimal well-being through the power of nutrition.
My Approach
At BiteBoost, our approach to nutrition coaching is grounded in evidence-based and science-backed principles. Our goal is to help you achieve your nutritional goals while maintaining a realistic and sustainable approach. We’ll work together to develop a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle, preferences, and unique needs. Let’s make healthy eating enjoyable and achievable!
My Process
We prioritise honest results that are realistic and sustainable. Our approach follows the SMART method for setting goals, ensuring they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. We tailor our nutrition coaching to fit your unique needs, making healthy eating achievable and enjoyable. Let’s work together to reach your nutritional goals and improve your overall well-being.
Unique Framework
At Biteboost we provide a unique approach by combining our extensive expertise in nutrition with a holistic understanding of individual needs, creating personalised and comprehensive plans to support overall health and wellness.
Coming Soon
Comprehensive Guide to Superfoods
Superfood Salad Recipes
Tips and Techniques for Salad Preparation
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn How it Works!
What is nutrition coaching?
Nutrition coaching is a personalised approach to improving your nutrition and overall health. Our registered associate nutritionist uses the latest scientific evidence to develop a customised plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. We also use coaching methodologies to provide you with ongoing support and guidance throughout your journey.
How does nutrition coaching work?
Our nutrition coaching programmes start with a comprehensive assessment of your current health and dietary habits. Based on this assessment, we’ll work with you to develop a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences. We’ll also provide ongoing support and guidance through coaching sessions, check-ins, and other tools to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
How is nutrition coaching different from seeing a nutritionist?
While both nutrition coaching and seeing a nutritionist involve working with a registered dietitian, nutrition coaching is a more personalised approach that focuses on ongoing support and guidance. Our coaching programmes involve developing a customised plan tailored to your unique needs and providing ongoing support to help you achieve your goals.
How do I know if nutrition coaching is right for me?
If you’re looking to improve your nutrition and overall health but are struggling to do so on your own, nutrition coaching may be right for you. Our programmes are designed to provide personalised guidance and support to help you reach your goals, no matter where you are on your health journey.
How long does a typical nutrition coaching programme last?
The length of our nutrition coaching programmes varies depending on your individual needs and goals. Our programmes are designed to be flexible and personalised, so we’ll work with you to determine the length of the program that’s right for you.
What kind of support can I expect to receive during a nutrition coaching programme?
Our nutrition coaching programmes provide ongoing support and guidance to help you achieve your goals. This includes coaching sessions, check-ins, and other tools to help you stay on track and motivated. We also use the latest scientific evidence to provide you with evidence-based guidance and recommendations tailored to your unique needs and goals.
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Ready to embark on a transformative health journey tailored just for you? Take the first step today by completing our contact form. Lee Stanley is eager to learn more about your unique needs and goals, and to start crafting a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan to help you realise your full health potential. Don’t wait for tomorrow, seize control of your health today!